Yin Wenjun,Zhang Dawei,Yan Jinghai,et al.Deep Learning based Air Pollutant Forecasting with Big Data[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2015,7(6):46-52.
Deep Learning based Air Pollutant Forecasting with Big Data
中文关键词:  空气污染预报  深度学习  深度信念网络  大数据
英文关键词:air pollutant forecasting  deep learning  deep brief network  big data
尹文君 IBM 中国研究院, 北京 100193 
张大伟 北京市环境保护监测中心, 大气颗粒物监测技术北京市重点实验室, 北京 100048 
严京海 北京市环境保护监测中心, 大气颗粒物监测技术北京市重点实验室, 北京 100048 
张超 IBM 中国研究院, 北京 100193 
李云婷 北京市环境保护监测中心, 大气颗粒物监测技术北京市重点实验室, 北京 100048 
芮晓光 IBM 中国研究院, 北京 100193 
摘要点击次数: 11159
全文下载次数: 10342
      It is necessary to do research about urban air quality forecasting to better refl ect the changing trend of the air pollution and provide prompt and complete environment quality information for environment management decision, as well as to avoid serious air pollution accident. For the urban air quality forecasting in the era of environmental big data, this paper proposes a novel method based on deep learning. Via simulating neural connecting structure of human brain, the deep learning method transforms the feature representation of data in the original space to a new feature space with semantic feature, and obtains hierarchical feature representation automatically to improve the performance of forecasting. Due to the merits of the deep learning, compared with traditional methods, the deep learning based model can not only utilize the environmental big data, including the air quality monitoring, weather monitoring and forecasting, and consider the spatiotemporal change and spatial distribution of air pollutant sufficiently to get the semantic change regulation of air pollutant, but also analyze the scope of its application, advantages and disadvantages based on results of other air quality forecasting methods (such as, numerical forecasting model). Therefore, the deep learning based method realizes the comprehensive integration of big data via simulating the thinking progress of human brain. The novel method is of fl exibility and feasibility for application, and overcomes the weak of the existing forecasting methods. Finally, the numerical test demonstrates that the novel method can improve the performance of air pollutant forecasting.
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