沈百鑫.浅析以科技信息为主线的环境协同治理[J].中国环境管理,2015,7(6):84-89. Shen Baixin.Analysis of the Technology Information as the Main Line of Environment Synergistic G overnance[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2015,7(6):84-89. |
浅析以科技信息为主线的环境协同治理 |
Analysis of the Technology Information as the Main Line of Environment Synergistic G overnance |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 环境科技信息 环境标准 合作和协调 环境质量达标制度 协同治理 |
英文关键词:environmental science and technology information environmental standards cooperation and coordination environmental quality standards system synergistic governance |
基金项目: |
摘要点击次数: 1811 |
全文下载次数: 1513 |
中文摘要: |
提高我国环境行政效率的关键是强化合作协调的环境治理理念,其核心载体是科技数据为核心的信息管理体系.科技进步与信息管理系统化决定着现代环境治理超越传统的危险防范而进入风险预防领域,也就决定了现代环境保护中合作与协调的核心理念.与环境保护的预防原则和环境许可制相适应,环境技术标准体系是现代环境科技信息体系的集中体现.同时环境法律监管体系也需要以信息系统和数据库为重点向综合环境治理发展,其中环境质量达标制(结果导向型监管)和环境治理中的规划都以环境信息综合集成管理为基础的.对于信息社会和互联网时代下、民主法治建设中、全球化进程里的中国环境治理,既有机遇又面临挑战. |
英文摘要: |
To improve the administrative efficiency of environmental protection in China, the key is to strengthen cooperation and coordination of environmental governance concept, and its core carrier is technology data-focused information management system. Scientific and technological progress and information management systematic determine the modern environmental governance beyond traditional dangerous defense into risk prevention. They also determine the core concept of cooperation and coordination in modern environmental protection. To adapt the principle of prevention and environmental permit system in environmental protection, environmental technology standard system is a concentrated expression of the modern environmental technology information system. Meanwhile, the environmental regulatory system also needs to develop integrated environmental governance with information systems and database development as the focus. In which environmental quality standards system (results-oriented regulatory) and the environmental planning management needs to be based on comprehensive integration of environmental information. In the information society and era of the Internet, in the construction of democracy and the rule of law and in Globalization, the Chinese environmental governance has both opportunities and challenges. |
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