WANG Wei.Lanzhou's Experience for Air Quality Improvement: From the Perspective of the Modernization of National Governance and Environmental Protection[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2016,8(4):82-86,100.
Lanzhou's Experience for Air Quality Improvement: From the Perspective of the Modernization of National Governance and Environmental Protection
中文关键词:  大气污染  环境治理  国家治理现代化  兰州经验
英文关键词:air pollution  environmental governance  modernization of national governance  Lanzhou's experience
王伟 中共中央党校政法部, 北京 100091 
摘要点击次数: 1821
全文下载次数: 2376
      In resent years, China has made great progress in the governance of air pollution and thus positive effects are emerging. However, the situation of air pollution is still serious. Lanzhou took effective innovations to improve bad air quality from 2011, which set an example for lots of large cities in China by substantively improving environmental quality in a relatively short term. The methods of Lanzhou in the field of environmental protection is the reflection of modernization of the national environmental governance. In atmospheric pollution control, Lanzhou, well coordinated the relationship between economic development and environmental protection, and made the good balance between energy structure and industrial structure. More importantly, Lanzhou's experience in improving air condition reflects the core values of the modernization of national governance. It highlights the important ideas of the modernization of national governance systems and governance capacity.With operation mechanism of powers, Lanzhou used concepts of modern rule of law, and strengthened executive ability to ensure the effectiveness of air pollution control. Still, with a wide range of social participation, the air quality management mode is more scientific and democratic.
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