解亚丽,柯小玲,闵园园,等.基于超效率DEA模型的三峡库区生态效率评价及空间演化格局分析[J].中国环境管理,2020,12(1):113-120. XIE Yali,KE Xiaoling,MIN Yuanyuan,et al.Ecological Efficiency Evaluation and Spatial Evolution Pattern Analysis of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Based on Super Efficiency DEA Model[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2020,12(1):113-120. |
基于超效率DEA模型的三峡库区生态效率评价及空间演化格局分析 |
Ecological Efficiency Evaluation and Spatial Evolution Pattern Analysis of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Based on Super Efficiency DEA Model |
DOI:10.16868/j.cnki.1674-6252.2020.01.113 |
中文关键词: 三峡库区 超效率DEA 空间相关性 |
英文关键词:the three gorges reservoir area super efficiency DEA spatial correlation |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“基于数据驱动的滑坡地质灾害预测及其应急决策研究——以长江经济带三峡库区为例”(71874165);教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“煤矿区生态安全评价体系与预警模型研究”(13YJC630065);中国地质大学(武汉)资源环境经济研究中心开放基金项目“长江经济带城市生态安全预警与协调治理路径研究”(H2018002B)。 |
摘要点击次数: 2339 |
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中文摘要: |
本文基于2010—2017年的统计数据,首先采用超效率DEA模型对三峡库区26个区县的生态效率进行测算,然后运用空间自相关分析方法对三峡库区生态效率的演化格局进行了实证分析,探索三峡库区生态效率的时空动态演变特征。研究表明: 2010—2017年三峡库区生态效率平均水平处于0.5601~1.1920,整体呈现波动性变化趋势,生态效率在一定程度上有所改善,但是整体水平仍然较低;从区域层面看,各个区县间生态效率水平不平衡,空间分布上呈现“西高东低”的非均衡性特征。局部空间自相关分析表明,三峡库区2010—2017年集聚性呈逐渐减弱态势,空间异质性逐渐增加,整体的生态效率差异变大。最后依据实证研究分析结果,本文对如何提升三峡库区生态效率提出了相应的政策建议。 |
英文摘要: |
To explore the space mechanism of regional difference variation of ecologicalefficiency in the three gorges reservoir area, based on the statistical data of 2010-2017, the ecological efficiency of 26 counties and cities in the three gorges reservoir area was calculated using super efficiency DEA modelin this article. And then the empirical analysis for the ecological evolution pattern of ecological efficiency in this area was carried on using the spatial auto correlation analysis method, to explore the spatio-temporal dynamic evolution characteristics of ecological efficiency in local area. The results showed that the average ecological efficiency of the three gorges reservoir area was between 0.5601 and 1.1920 during 2010-2017, showing a fluctuating trend. The ecological efficiency had been improved to some extent, but the overall level was still low. From the regional level, the level of ecological efficiency among various counties and cities was unbalanced, which is higher in the west and lower in the east. Local spatial auto correlation analysis showed that the three gorges reservoir area integration had a gradually weakening trend during 2010-2016, the spatial heterogeneity was gradually increased, the ecological efficiency of the overall difference was larger, in 2017 to enhance spatial agglomeration effect, the ecological efficiency of counties and cities in neighboring counties and cities promoting effect was enhanced, low efficiency of ecological counties and cities also did not make full use of their own advantages, there was no maximum benefits of the resource. Finally, based on the results of empirical research, the paper put forward some policy suggestions on how to improve the ecological efficiency of the three gorges reservoir area. |
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