郑馨竺,梁安妮.在碳中和愿景下缩小贫富差距:协同理论、机制与路径[J].中国环境管理,2022,14(1):14-21. ZHENG Xinzhu,LIANG Anni.Narrowing the Gap Between Rich and Poor in a Carbon-Neutral World: Coordination, Mechanism and Path[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2022,14(1):14-21. |
在碳中和愿景下缩小贫富差距:协同理论、机制与路径 |
Narrowing the Gap Between Rich and Poor in a Carbon-Neutral World: Coordination, Mechanism and Path |
DOI:10.16868/j.cnki.1674-6252.2022.01.014 |
中文关键词: 碳中和 贫富差距 协同 可持续发展 |
英文关键词:carbon neutrality economic inequality synergy sustainable development |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“消费升级视角下我国扩大中等收入群体的资源影响研究”(71904201);中国石油大学(北京)科研基金(2462020YXZZ038)。 |
摘要点击次数: 1648 |
全文下载次数: 1276 |
中文摘要: |
在向着全面建成社会主义现代化强国的第二个百年目标迈进的征程中,我国同时面临碳中和与缩小贫富差距等多项战略任务。尽管这些战略任务都属于可持续发展的内在要求,实现路径互联互通,政策效果相互影响,但由于分属不同的子系统,容易陷入管理实践各自为政、政策实施互为掣肘的僵局。收入提高的中低收入群体可能因为消费升级产生更多的碳排放,增加实现碳中和的挑战;碳中和实现路径也可能通过影响居民就业或家庭收支促进或阻碍迈向共同富裕的步伐。充分认识碳中和与缩小贫富差距之间的协同与权衡关系,通过整体协调和系统谋划下好“全国一盘棋”,减少政策冲突和实践失误,是全方位落实可持续发展、处理好减排与发展关系的前提条件。通过对碳中和与缩小贫富差距协同治理的理论逻辑、影响机制和实践路径进行系统剖析与深入诠释,力求回答“是什么”“为什么”“怎么做”的问题,为促进碳中和与经济平等的路径选择及方案制定提供决策支持,对社会经济复杂系统下多个可持续发展目标之间的协同合作提供参考借鉴。 |
英文摘要: |
In the new journey toward its second centenary goal of fully building a modern socialist country, China faces a number of challenges such as carbon neutrality and narrowing the gap between rich and poor. Although carbon neutrality and economic equality are inherent requirements for sustainable development, and they have mutual influence on each other. There is high possibility that the policy implementation of these two tasks has trade-offs. The consumption upgrade of emerging middle-income group may lead to more carbon emissions, having a negative impact on carbon neutrality. The path to achieving carbon neutrality may also facilitate or hinder economic equality by affecting employment or income. Understanding the synergies and trade-offs between carbon neutrality and economic equality, strengthening coordination and making systematic plans, can help reduce policy conflicts and practical errors. This study discusses the theoretical logic, the impact mechanism, and the management strategies of coordinating carbon neutrality and economic equality. The analyses not only support decision making for the path selection of facilitating carbon neutrality and economic equality, but also provide new insights for connecting multiple sustainable development goals. |
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