SUN Dongying,WEI Jiameng,SHI Mengxia,et al.Influencing Factors of Campus Water-Saving Behaviors of College Students Based on Multigroup Structural Equation Model[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2022,14(2):120-127.
Influencing Factors of Campus Water-Saving Behaviors of College Students Based on Multigroup Structural Equation Model
中文关键词:  大学生节水  计划行为理论  多群组结构方程模型
英文关键词:university students’ water-saving  theory of planned behavior  multi-group structural equation model
孙冬营 江苏大学管理学院, 江苏镇江 212013
河海大学管理科学研究所, 江苏南京 211100 
魏佳萌 江苏大学管理学院, 江苏镇江 212013 
史梦霞 江苏大学管理学院, 江苏镇江 212013 
孔兰兰 江苏大学管理学院, 江苏镇江 212013 
龙兴乐 江苏大学管理学院, 江苏镇江 212013 
摘要点击次数: 1129
全文下载次数: 1037
      Based on the theory of planned behavior, and taking water resource cognition and emotion as moderating variables, this study constructed the theoretical framework to identify influencing factors of campus water-saving behavior of college students. Through a questionnaire survey of college students, the structural equation model was developed, and a multi-group analysis and moderating effect analysis were carried out. The conclusions showed that water-saving attitude and perceived behavioral control positively affect water-saving intention while subjective norm has no significant effect. Water-saving intention and perceived behavioral control positively affect water-saving behavior. Gender and the growing environment play a significant moderating role in the process of water-saving behavior. Water resource emotion positively regulates water-saving intention and water-saving behavior path. Finally, according to the conclusions, some suggestions were put forward to provide theoretical reference and policy reference for improving college students’ water-saving awareness, promoting water-saving behavior and building water-saving colleges and universities.
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