张玲,杨哂,董战峰.中国资源循环利用产业金融支持水平和效率的区域差异[J].中国环境管理,2022,14(6):110-117. ZHANG Ling,YANG Shen,DONG Zhanfeng.Regional Differences in Financial Support Level and Efficiency of Resource Recycling Industry in China[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2022,14(6):110-117. |
中国资源循环利用产业金融支持水平和效率的区域差异 |
Regional Differences in Financial Support Level and Efficiency of Resource Recycling Industry in China |
DOI:10.16868/j.cnki.1674-6252.2022.06.110 |
中文关键词: 资源循环利用产业 金融支持水平 金融支持效率 DEA模型 Dagum基尼系数 |
英文关键词:resource recycling industry financial support level and efficiency DEA model entropy weight method Dagum Gini coefficient |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“城市铜矿产的形成机理及其分布格局演变过程研究”(41971259);国家社会科学基金重大项目“加快推进生态环境治理体系和治理能力现代化研究”(20&ZD092);教育部人文社科基金项目“‘城市矿产’的生成规律及开采策略研究”(19YJCZH252)。 |
摘要点击次数: 821 |
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中文摘要: |
资源循环利用产业对于推动我国经济发展方式转变具有重要战略意义,研究该产业的金融支持水平和效率的区域差异,能为推进该产业全面协调发展提供科学依据。本文以该产业的上市企业为研究对象,运用熵权法和GS-SBM模型测算了2016—2020年东、中、西部企业的金融支持水平和效率,利用Malmquist指数和Dagum基尼系数揭示了金融支持水平和效率的演变情况和区域差异。结果表明:①我国资源循环利用产业金融支持水平很低,观测期内均值仅为0.067,中部略高于东部,明显高于西部;金融支持效率较高,观测期内均值为0.86,西部>中部>东部;该产业内各子产业的金融支持水平和效率也存在区域差异。②该产业在各区域的金融支持水平与效率均呈现水平上升、效率下降的趋势。不同区域的金融支持水平增长速度与来源存在差异,而效率的下降均来源于技术效率水平的恶化。③不同区域该产业的金融支持水平差异较大,但水平差异波动下降;金融支持效率差异相对较小,但效率差异波动上升。区域内差异是金融支持水平和效率差异的主要来源。 |
英文摘要: |
Resource recycling industry is a new carrier of high-quality economic development in China, and is of strategic significance to promote the transformation of China’s economic development mode and the upgrading of industrial structure. Studying the regional differences in the financial support level and efficiency of the industry can provide a scientific basis for promoting the comprehensive and coordinated development of the industry. This paper takes the listed enterprises in this industry as the research object, calculates the financial support level and efficiency of enterprises in the East, Central and West regions during 2016-2020 using the entropy weight method and GS-SBM model, and reveals the evolution and regional differences of the financial support level and efficiency. Major results show that: ① The financial support level of China’s resource recycling industry was very low with the average value of only 0.067, in which the central region was slightly higher the East, and significantly higher than the West. The efficiency of financial support was relatively high, with an average of 0.86, in which the West> the Central> the East. At the sub-industry level, there also existed disparities in financial support level and efficiency among three regions. ② All three regions showed a trend of increasing financial support level and decreasing financial support efficiency. The growth rate and major source of financial support level in different regions were different, while the decline of efficiency came from the deterioration of technical efficiency. ③ There were great differences in the level of financial support among the three regions, but the differences decreased with time. Difference in the efficiency of financial support was relatively small among the three regions, but the difference increased with time. Regional differences were the main source of differences in the level and efficiency of financial support. |
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