SHI Wei,ZHANG Jingjing.Practical Form and Organization Mechanism of Women's Participation in the Improvement of Rural Living Environment in China[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2023,15(3):143-148.
Practical Form and Organization Mechanism of Women's Participation in the Improvement of Rural Living Environment in China
中文关键词:  农村人居环境整治  农村女性  村庄参与  农民主体性
英文关键词:rural living environment improvement  rural women  village participation  farmers' subjectivity
石伟 安徽大学社会与政治学院, 安徽合肥 230601  
张金金 中国地质大学(北京)马克思主义学院, 北京 100083 3018190001@cugb.edu.com 
摘要点击次数: 350
全文下载次数: 281
      How to effectively activate farmers' subjectivity and stimulate the masses' participation in the improvement of human settlement environment is an important issue to achieve good governance of the rural environment. Taking living improvement as an example, field research found that under the current situation of intensive input of state resources to villages, the top-down single environmental supply mode wastes a lot of resources and fails to integrate residents' demands. The mobilization of middle-aged female groups in villages is an effective way to mobilize and integrate the demands of the masses for living improvement from the bottom up. Village collectives establish women's organized participation mechanism through the process of living improvement publicity and mobilization, centralized improvement and regular maintenance. On the one hand, middle-aged female groups become a potential force for village environmental remediation because of their status in the village, their relationship in the village, and insufficient market participation. The characteristics of living improvement are naturally coupled with middle-aged women's groups. On the other hand, from the perspective of women's organizational path, organizational participation provides a long-term mechanism for middle-aged women's social identity, and the stimulation of benefits becomes a direct incentive for women's participation. The organizational mechanism of middle-aged women's participation in living improvement reflects that the realization of good rural governance with multiple participation requires activation and organization of activists and the establishment of a participation mechanism for multiple subjects.
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