LIU Nan,KONG Jun,WANG Zining.Research on the Reform of Fiscal Powers in the Field of Nature Protected Area Based on National Parks[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2023,15(4):72-81,52.
Research on the Reform of Fiscal Powers in the Field of Nature Protected Area Based on National Parks
中文关键词:  国家公园  财政事权  支出责任
英文关键词:national parks  fiscal power  expenditure responsibility
刘南 西北大学经济管理学院, 陕西西安 710127  
孔军 西北大学经济管理学院, 陕西西安 710127 kongjun@nwu.edu.cn 
王梓宁 吉林大学数学学院, 吉林长春 130012  
摘要点击次数: 385
全文下载次数: 415
      With the integration and optimization of nature protected area and the deepening of fiscal system reform, the clear division and definition of fiscal powers and expenditure responsibilities in the field of nature protected area based on national parks is of great significance for the establishment and improvement of the fund guarantee mechanism, and helps to establish a management system of national parks with clear and coordinated powers and responsibility among governments. On the basis of sorting out the list of fiscal powers and analyzing the status quo and issues of the division of expenditure responsibilities in the field of nature protected area based on national parks in China, and on the documents of the central government on the construction of nature protected areas, the responsibilities of departments and the characteristics of the fiscal relationship between the central and local governments, this paper puts forward the general thoughts and policy suggestions on the division of fiscal powers and expenditure responsibilities of the government below the province in the field of nature protected area based on national parks in China, and to provide decision-making reference for the establishment of nature protected area system based on national parks.
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