CHEN Lyujun,HE Xubin,TIAN Jinping,et al.Unveiling the Roadmap of Cleaner Production and Circular Economy Development in a Typical Chinese Chemical Industrial Park Featured by Dyestuff Pharmaceutical Manufacturing[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2023,15(4):151-158.
Unveiling the Roadmap of Cleaner Production and Circular Economy Development in a Typical Chinese Chemical Industrial Park Featured by Dyestuff Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
中文关键词:  化工园区  清洁生产  循环经济  产业生态化  染料化工  医药化工
英文关键词:chemical industrial park  cleaner production  circular economy  industrial ecology  dyestuff manufacturing  pharmaceutical manufacturing
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目( 41971267)
陈吕军 清华大学, 北京 100084
浙江清华长三角研究院, 浙江嘉兴 314006 
何旭斌 浙江龙盛集团股份有限公司, 浙江上虞 312300  
田金平 清华大学, 北京 100084  
陈亚林 清华大学, 北京 100084  
欧其 浙江龙盛集团股份有限公司, 浙江上虞 312300  
严间浪 绍兴众昌化工股份有限公司, 浙江上虞 312300  
黄国东 上虞新和成生物化工有限公司, 浙江上虞 312300  
陈虹 杭州湾上虞经济技术开发区管理委员会, 浙江上虞 312300  
刘锐 浙江清华长三角研究院, 浙江嘉兴 314006  
苏建军 浙江龙盛集团股份有限公司, 浙江上虞 312300  
摘要点击次数: 414
全文下载次数: 562
      本研究以典型染料医药精细化工园区HSEDA为对象,从四个方面分析其近17年来产学研政合作推行清洁生产与发展循环经济的技术路径与创新实践、所取得的减污降碳绩效,以及未来展望。研究发现, HSEDA绿色低碳循环发展有四个特征:①突出园区精细化物质流能量流管理,自下而上理清多产品、多元素、多层级物质能量代谢结构、路径和过程,定量揭示全生命周期环境影响,设计清洁生产和循环经济靶向措施;②染料行业自主开发了连续硝化、催化加氢、重氮化,高效分离、传热传质偶合等清洁技术,提效减排绩效显著;③医药行业开发了维生素、喹诺酮关键中间体短流程绿色合成技术,提高了原子经济性;④园区定量分析反应、工艺及物料全生命周期安全特性和风险,系统设计,提高本质安全。2006-2019年, HSEDA实现经济与资源、能源、环境脱钩发展。在“双碳”战略下,从系统角度提出园区“一核六驱”绿色低碳循环发展新模式。
      Taking a typical Chinese fine chemical industrial park (HSEDA) as the object, this study analyzes its technological path and innovative practice in implementing cleaner production and circular economy development through industry-study-researchgovernment cooperation in the past 17 years from four aspects, as well as its achievements in reducing pollution and carbon, and its future prospects. The study found that HSEDA green low-carbon cycle development has four characteristics. First, the HSEDA attaches great importance to managing the structure, flow, and processes of material-energy metabolism, from the point of three levels: enterprises level, industrial symbiosis level, and infrastructure level. The life cycle environmental impacts are quantitatively explored to identify countermeasures for facilitating cleaner production and a circular economy. Second, for the dyestuff manufacturing industry, a series of state-of-art know-hows are originally developed and employed on a large scale, such as continuous nitration, catalytic hydrogenation, diazotization reaction, high-efficient separation, and heat-mass transfer coupling technologies. By doing so, the efficiencies of raw materials are greatly improved with a substantial decline in hazardous waste of gypsum. Moreover, the inherent safety of dyestuff manufacturing is achieved with the near-zero emission of spent sulfuric acid. Third, HSEDA also develops green chemistry technologies with high atomic economy targeting intermediates for pharmaceutics and vitamin A and E. Fourth, in light of safety production, HSEDA comprehensively deploys a life cycle safety assessment of chemicals and reactions. Such quantitative information is employed to jointly strengthen the intrinsic-safety design of equipment, processes, and operating manuals. As a result, HSEDA has accomplished a decoupling between economic growth, resource-energy consumption, and waste emissions in 2006-2019. Driven by the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality in China, HSEDA proposes a new paradigm featured by "1+6" strategies. The practices mentioned above will be insightful and replicable to other chemical industrial parks in China.
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