WU Yinan,LI Fangqi,ZHAO Fang,et al.The Achievements, Problems and Suggestions about the Interactions of Ecological Environment Access System[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2023,15(5):11-15.
The Achievements, Problems and Suggestions about the Interactions of Ecological Environment Access System
中文关键词:  生态环境准入  生态环境分区管控  规划环评  项目环评
英文关键词:ecological environment access  ecological environment zoning control  planning environment impact assessment  project environment impact assessment
吴艺楠 生态环境部环境发展中心, 北京 100029  
李芳琪 生态环境部环境发展中心, 北京 100029 lifangqi@edcmep.org.cn 
赵芳 生态环境部环境发展中心, 北京 100029  
张翼飞 生态环境部环境发展中心, 北京 100029  
李冬 生态环境部环境发展中心, 北京 100029  
唐微 生态环境部环境发展中心, 北京 100029  
孟冲 生态环境部环境发展中心, 北京 100029  
摘要点击次数: 585
全文下载次数: 757
      In the 20 years since the promulgation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Law, the Ecological Environment Zoning Control (EEZC), planning environmental impact assessment (plEIA), project environmental impact assessment (prEIA) and other systems have jointly established a solid defense line for ecological environment access. However, there are also problems such as unclear management boundaries, insufficient management effectiveness, and inadequate institutional interaction mechanism. Through analyzing the roles EEZC, plEIA, prEIA have played in typical plans and evaluating the management practices in some regions, suggestions for optimizing the ecological environment access system (EEAS) were put forward. First, EEZC should play a role in macro role in guiding and maintaining the stability of the national ecological environment, and be studied and released simultaneously with other guiding plans such as National Economic and Social Development Plan and Ecological and Environmental Protection Plan. Second, plEIA should further strengthen its core value of “connecting the preceding and the following”, accept the review authority of some plEIA, improve the quality of the planned environmental assessment documents, and strengthen the supervision of the implementation of the environmental assessment requirements. Modifying management authorities of plEIA can form a cascading guidance for prEIA, therefore provides a technical basis for prEIA reform. Third, prEIA should be further optimized and simplified within EEZC. It is suggested to promote the integration of prEIA and the Pollution Discharge Permit for projects with controlled environmental impacts and mature environmental protection measures, as well as further strengthen the sense of responsibility of the construction body so as to improve management efficiency by system integration.
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