YANG Jing,LIU Huidong,LIU Haidong,et al.Study on Environmental and Social Risks and Countermeasures of Domestic Waste Incineration Treatment Facilities at County Level in China—Analysis Based on Load Rates of Facility and Network Public Opinion in 31 Provinces[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2023,15(6):25-31.
Study on Environmental and Social Risks and Countermeasures of Domestic Waste Incineration Treatment Facilities at County Level in China—Analysis Based on Load Rates of Facility and Network Public Opinion in 31 Provinces
中文关键词:  生活垃圾焚烧处理设施  负荷率  舆情  环境社会风险  应对策略
英文关键词:domestic waste incineration facilities  load rate  public sentiment  environmental and social risks  countermeasures
杨静 生态环境部环境发展中心, 北京 100029  
刘会东 中国环境科学研究院, 北京 100012  
刘海东 生态环境部环境发展中心, 北京 100029  
赵芳 生态环境部环境发展中心, 北京 100029 zhaofang@edcmep.org.cn 
李娜 生态环境部环境发展中心, 北京 100029  
李琳 生态环境部环境发展中心, 北京 100029  
摘要点击次数: 684
全文下载次数: 964
      Driven by policy support and actual demand, it may lead to a rapid increase in waste incineration projects, bringing potential environmental regulatory pressure and environmental and social risks. Continuous special attention needs to be given to this issue, and guidance should be provided to local authorities for environmental regulation and risk control. In this paper, based on the nationally refined data on domestic waste incineration facilities, domestic waste generation, and network public opinion, the service scope identification and load rate calculation of domestic waste incineration facilities were carried out by constructing Tyson polygon and other spatial analysis methods, and the sentiment analysis of domestic waste incineration facilities was carried out by natural language processing technology. On this basis, based on the load rate of domestic waste incineration facilities and the proportion of negative public opinion, the environmental and social risks of 31 provinces in China were quantitatively assessed, and countermeasures were put forward. First, it is necessary to balance the problems of“large gap” and“short commons”, and rationally plan and arrange the layout of domestic waste incineration facilities in county-level areas. Second, attention should be focus on the fields and regions with high incidence of negative public opinions to actively prevent environmental and social risks of domestic waste incineration facilities in county-level areas.
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