ZHAI Mingyang,ZHOU Changbo,ZHANG Yongbo,et al.Current Status, Challenges and Countermeasures for Carbon Dioxide Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Projects Linking Carbon Emission Trading Market[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2023,15(6):87-93.
Current Status, Challenges and Countermeasures for Carbon Dioxide Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Projects Linking Carbon Emission Trading Market
中文关键词:  碳中和  碳捕集、利用与封存  碳市场  自愿核证减排量  证书制度
英文关键词:carbon neutral  carbon capture, utilization and storage  carbon trading market  voluntary certified emission reductions  certification system
翟明洋 生态环境部环境发展中心, 北京 100029  
周长波 生态环境部环境发展中心, 北京 100029 zhoucb@edcmep.org.cn 
张永波 生态环境部环境发展中心, 北京 100029  
李广宇 生态环境部环境发展中心, 北京 100029  
王幸智 生态环境部环境发展中心, 北京 100029  
王晓萌 生态环境部环境发展中心, 北京 100029  
刘晓宇 生态环境部环境发展中心, 北京 100029  
李明奎 中国人民大学, 北京 100872  
摘要点击次数: 644
全文下载次数: 1079
      Carbon dioxide capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) is considered as an important technology option for achieving carbon neutrality especially for coal-fired and gas-fired power plants, as well as in the steel, cement and petrochemical industries. The carbon emission trading market is an important market-based emission reduction mechanism, and improving the connection level of the two is important for the achievement of China’s dual carbon goals. This paper systematically reviews the legislation, incentive policies, and CCUS emission reduction accounting methodology of CCUS projects in the carbon market at home and abroad, and identifies a series of problems in the connection between CCUS projects and the carbon market in China, such as insufficient legal support, lack of incentive policies, and inaccurate carbon emission reduction accounting methods for CCUS projects. Finally, this paper proposes a number of recommendations to improve the connection between CCUS projects and the carbon market: ① improve the carbon market supervision and legal system, and thence promote the convergence of CCUS and carbon market; ② identify the CCUS priority areas and promote the integration of CCUS technology of different industries into the carbon trading market in stages; ③ strengthen policy incentives to open up the path of investment, financing and cost diversion for the interface between CCUS and the carbon market; ④ improve the construction of carbon trading market in stages, fully leverage the financial attributes of the carbon market to promote the connection between CCUS and the carbon trading market; ⑤ establish a comprehensive monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) standard system and certificate system to ensure the accuracy and standardization of the certification of emission reductions from CCUS projects.
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