HUANG Jiacheng.Functional Deficiency and Institutional Improvement of the Environmental Injunction in China[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2023,15(6):140-147.
Functional Deficiency and Institutional Improvement of the Environmental Injunction in China
中文关键词:  预防性救济  环境禁令  行为保全  功能定位  制度完善
英文关键词:preventive relief  environmental injunction  behavior preservation  functional positioning  institutional improvement
黄嘉诚 武汉大学法学院, 湖北武汉 430072 
摘要点击次数: 742
全文下载次数: 794
      The environmental injunction system in China is a special manifestation of the current localization of injunctions, but it faces the risk of institutional emptiness with abnormally low applicability. The institutional cause is that the environmental injunction under the framework of behavior preservation does not pay enough attention to the relief of substantive rights, and cannot meet the functional requirement of environmental preventive protection. The mechanism of environmental preventive relief in China is still incomplete, and the intensity of safeguarding environmental private interests is insufficient. The judicial and social functions of the environmental injunction in China should be clarified. Based on the improvement of the environmental injunction system, a risk preventive relief mechanism for environmental infringement that runs through pre, during, and post events should be established. We should improve the basis of substantive law in the field of public law and private law, and incorporate the environmental injunction system into the special procedure of civil procedure law. Strengthen the court’s authority in the application of injunctions, and establish an enforcement guarantee mechanism by administrative and judicial coordination.
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