ZHOU Yejing,ZHOU Jingxuan,XIA Meng,et al.Method on Horizontal Ecological Compensation of Entropy Curved Surface Model for Ecological Regulating Service Value[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2024,16(3):56-65.
Method on Horizontal Ecological Compensation of Entropy Curved Surface Model for Ecological Regulating Service Value
中文关键词:  补偿标准  横向综合补偿  最大熵增原理  调节服务价值  价值曲面模型
英文关键词:compensation standard  horizontal comprehensive compensation  maximum entropy production  regulatations service value  value curved surface model
周业晶 武汉工程大学土木工程与建筑学院, 湖北武汉 430073 zhouyejing@wit.edu.cn 
周敬宣 华中科技大学环境科学与工程学院, 湖北武汉 430074  
夏梦 武汉市规划编审中心, 湖北武汉 430010  
章乐 华中科技大学航空航天学院, 湖北武汉 430074  
摘要点击次数: 505
全文下载次数: 611
      横向补偿通常多限于单要素或功能的生态系统服务补偿,如何向调节服务功能贡献区实施多要素综合补偿,仍缺少有效解决方法。本研究基于最大熵增理论本研究提出了“熵增曲面法”,构建调节服务价值扩散的曲面模型。此模型更符合生态系统物质能量流动特点,视调节服务价值为有形的正态分布曲面,曲面动态稳定的扩展状态表达了价值的对外输出。本文以梁子湖流域为例,先利用当量因子法计算出研究区各区的生态调节价值,再用上述方法对区域间调节服务价值补偿问题进行分析,并讨论了考虑环境激励的补偿优化办法。结果显示,研究区内武汉市东湖高新技术开发区(e区)应支付给武汉市江夏区(a区)、鄂州市梁子湖区(b区)、咸宁市咸安区(c区)和大冶市金牛镇(d区),分别为303.8万元、 1866.6万元、 582.4万元、 615.2万元,共3368.0万元。该方法能明确“谁补谁、补什么、补多少”的补偿问题,对邻近区域性的调节服务补偿均可展开分析,为多要素、综合性、系统化的生态补偿方向提供了新的思路。
      China has attached the great importance to establishing and improving the horizontal ecological compensation mechanism among regions. Horizontal ecological compensation is usually limited to ecosystem service compensation of single element or function. There is lack of effective solutions to solve the problems including how to implement multi-factor comprehensive compensation and how to determine the compensation standard. To meet the needs, we proposed a method named as Entropy Curved Surface method based on Maximum Entropy Production (MEP). A curved surface model of value diffusion of ecological regulating service was built. The model is more consistent with the characteristics of energy flow of the ecosystem, and regards the regulation service value as a tangible normal distribution surface. The external output of value can be precisely expressed by the dynamic and stable expansion state of the surface model. Taking Liangzi Lake Basin as an example, this study calculated the ecological regulatations service value of each area in the study area by using the equivalent factor method, then analyzed the compensation of ecological regulatations service value between regions by the above method, and discussed the compensation optimization measures considering environmental incentives. The results showed that Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone-e should pay 3.038 million CNY to Jiangxia District-a, 18.666 million CNY to E’zhou City-b, 5.824 million CNY to Xian’an District-c and 6.152 million CNY to Da’ye City-d, with a total of 33.68 million CNY. This method can clarify the compensation relationship of“what, who, and how much should be compensated”, and can be used to analyze the compensation of ecological regulatations service in adjacent regions, providing a new idea for multi-factor, comprehensive and systematic ecological compensation.
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