SHAO Peng,DONG Xiaoqi,MA Bing.ESG Performance the “Peer Effect” and the Alleviation of Corporate Financing Constraints[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2024,16(4):44-51.
ESG Performance the “Peer Effect” and the Alleviation of Corporate Financing Constraints
中文关键词:  ESG表现  同群效应  融资约束  媒体关注
英文关键词:ESG performance  peer effect  financial constraints  media attention
邵鹏 西安工程大学管理学院, 陕西西安 710048  
董小琦 西安工程大学管理学院, 陕西西安 710048 15695432639@163.com 
马冰 西安工程大学管理学院, 陕西西安 710048  
摘要点击次数: 234
全文下载次数: 318
      With the further development of ESG concept, enterprises gradually realize the important impact of ESG performance on business activities. Taking heavy pollution industry listed companies as samples, this paper explores three types of peer effects of ESG performance, tests the mitigation mechanism of peer strength of ESG performance on financing constraints, and reveals the moderating effects of positive and negative media attention. The results show that: The ESG performance of enterprises has industry, regional and network peer effects, of which the regional peer effect is relatively large; the stronger the industry and regional peer strength of ESG performance, the more it can help enterprises to alleviate the financing constraints, but the network peer strength can’t significantly alleviate the financing constraints of enterprises; positive and negative media attention can strengthen the influence of industry peer strength on financing constraints; positive media attention can strengthen the influence of regional peer strength on financing constraints, negative media attention can weaken the influence of regional peer strength on financing constraints. In this paper, three types of peer effects and peer strength are introduced into the research on ESG performance and financing constraints to deepen the relevant research on ESG performance of enterprises.
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