谢舒欣,孟凡鑫,刘耕源,等.土地利用与碳排放下中国八大区域生物多样性足迹分析[J].中国环境管理,2024,15(6):61-70. XIE Shuxin,MENG Fanxin,LIU Gengyuan,et al.Analysis of Biodiversity Footprints Under Land Use and Carbon Emissions in Eight Major Regions of China[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2024,15(6):61-70. |
土地利用与碳排放下中国八大区域生物多样性足迹分析 |
Analysis of Biodiversity Footprints Under Land Use and Carbon Emissions in Eight Major Regions of China |
DOI:10.16868/j.cnki.1674-6252.2024.06.061 |
中文关键词: 土地利用 碳排放 消费者原则 生物多样性足迹 次国家评估 |
英文关键词:land use carbon emission consumption perspective biodiversity footprint sub-national analysis |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目“城市蓝绿基础设施对食物—能源—水关联关系的影响机制研究”(72174028);国家自然科学基金青年项目“面向温室气体减排的城市食物储运系统跨区域优化研究”(52100214)。 |
摘要点击次数: 53 |
全文下载次数: 35 |
中文摘要: |
区域生物多样性保护是实现全球可持续发展目标的关键,量化由人为消费活动驱动的区域生物多样性足迹是厘清保护责任的科学前提。本研究提出了区域生物多样性足迹的定义及核算框架,基于生命周期及投入产出分析方法构建了区域生物多样性足迹混合分析模型,建立了中国省级土地利用及碳排放压力导致的生物多样性损失清单,量化了中国八大区域的生物多样性足迹,追溯了次国家水平的足迹转移格局。研究发现:2017年中国土地利用下生物多样性足迹是碳排放下足迹值的11.73倍,两种环境压力下的足迹空间分布、足迹构成、足迹转移等结果均表现出显著差异。例如,土地利用导致的足迹54.15%集中在中国西北和西南地区,碳排放下足迹值的46.58%集中在北部沿海、黄河中游和西南地区。然而,两种环境压力下国内足迹占比均达到97%,足迹净流出均集中在西南地区,关键足迹部门均包括制造业和服务业的结果揭示了共同的足迹热点。本研究从消费侧核算并厘清了中国生物多样性足迹的区域规模及流动格局,显示国内消费热点推动了消费侧生物多样性损失,通过指导消费侧的管理实践和有效跨域合作可为中国生物多样性保护提供新视角和新思路。 |
英文摘要: |
Biodiversity is rapidly declining since the Anthropocene, land use and climate change led by carbon emission have threaten biodiversity a lot. The consumption-driven biodiversity loss called biodiversity footprint can help to clarify the subnational conservation responsibilities. This study first defined the concept of regional biodiversity footprint and then proposed a framework to account. A hybrid regional biodiversity footprints analysis model was constructed based on the LCIA and EE-MRIO methods after establishing the inventory of biodiversity losses due to land use and carbon emissions at China’s provincial level. The biodiversity footprints of the eight major regions in China were quantified, and then the footprint flow pattern at the subnational level was traced. The research found that in China, the biodiversity footprint of 2017 under land use was 11.73 times higher than that under carbon emissions, footprint results under the two environmental pressures showed significant inconsistencies in the aspect of spatial distribution, composition, and flows. For example, 54.15% of the footprints caused by land use were concentrated in Northwest and Southwest China, while 46.58% of the footprints caused by carbon emission were concentrated in the northern coast, the middle reaches of the Yellow River and Southwest China. However, we also found that under the two environmental pressures, domestic footprints occupied more than 97% of the total footprints, net footprint outflows were concentrated in the Southwest, and key footprint sectors included manufacturing and services, revealing common footprint hotspots. This study calculated and clarified the regional scale and flow pattern of China’s biodiversity footprints from the consumption perspective, showing that domestic consumption hotspots drive biodiversity loss on the consumption side. It can provide a new perspective and new ideas for China’s biodiversity conservation by guiding consumption-side management practices and effective cross-regional cooperation. |
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