FU Wei,GONG Haixiu,LI Long,et al.Dynamic Evolution of Indirect Carbon Emissions from Household Consumption and Characteristics of Spatial Linkage Network Structure in Western China[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2024,15(6):104-114.
Dynamic Evolution of Indirect Carbon Emissions from Household Consumption and Characteristics of Spatial Linkage Network Structure in Western China
中文关键词:  家庭消费间接碳排放  动态演进  空间关联网络  社会网络分析
英文关键词:indirect carbon emissions from household consumption  dynamic evolution  spatial association network  social network analysis
付伟 西南林业大学经济管理学院, 云南昆明 650233 
巩海秀 西南林业大学经济管理学院, 云南昆明 650233 
李龙 西南林业大学经济管理学院, 云南昆明 650233 
张贝贝 西南林业大学经济管理学院, 云南昆明 650233 
陈建成 北京林业大学经济管理学院, 北京 100083 
摘要点击次数: 47
全文下载次数: 28
      Green and low-carbon way of life and production is an important path for sustainable economic and social development. As an emerging branch of carbon emission growth, the study of the spatial correlation network of indirect carbon emissions from household consumption will provide a scientific basis for the implementation of carbon-reducing measures by households in western China according to local conditions. This paper combines the input-output method and the consumer lifestyle method to measure the indirect carbon emissions from household consumption in 10 provinces (autonomous regions) in the western region from 2012 to 2021, and analyzes their dynamic evolution and spatial correlation. The results show that: ① The overall rising trend of indirect carbon emissions from household consumption in the west has slowed down, and there is a big difference between the total carbon emissions in towns and villages. ② The overall indirect carbon emissions from household consumption in the west show obvious cyclical fluctuation trend, the network structure is relatively loose, the network hierarchical differences are more obvious, in which Gansu, Guizhou, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi and other provinces (autonomous regions) are at the center of the associated network, not only having close spatial correlation with other provinces, but also playing the role of “intermediary”. ③ The main mode of action in the spatial correlation network of indirect carbon emissions from household consumption in the west is inter-plate transmission and spillover effects. Gansu, Shaanxi and other provinces in the transportation hub location are the main beneficiaries of each factor, and the provinces (autonomous regions) with higher economic development level are the main spillover of each factor. The closeness of the spatial correlation of indirect carbon emissions from household consumption in the west needs to be urgently improved, and the inter-plate linkage effect and cross-regional network effect should be further improved, in order to promote the synergistic development of indirect carbon emission reduction from household consumption in the western region.
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