CAI Wanghua.Using Machine Learning Method for Predicting the Concentration of Ozone in the Air[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2018,10(2):78-84.
Using Machine Learning Method for Predicting the Concentration of Ozone in the Air
中文关键词:  机器学习  预测  臭氧浓度
英文关键词:machine learning  prediction  ozone concentration
蔡旺华 福建省环境信息中心, 福建福州 350003 
摘要点击次数: 4460
全文下载次数: 2981
      There are some implicit associations between changes ofozone concentration and emissions from natural sources, mobile sources and point sources. According to the characteristics of ozoneconcentration change, this paper used machine learning method to predict the hourly ozone concentration based on the online discharge data of pollutants, meteorological monitoring data and air quality monitoring data. This method not only made full use of time series data of ozone concentration change, but also took into account the influence of the change of meteorological conditions on the change of pollutant concentration. The most important point was to consider the point source nitrogen oxides emission, an important precursor of ozone generation, into the model. In the period before and after BRICS XiamenSummit (from August 31, 2017 to September 9th), this method was applied to ozone 1 hour average concentration rolling forecast of four automatic atmospheric monitoring stations including Xidong, Hongwen, Gulangyu and Huli Middle School in Xiamen, the diurnal periodic variation of ozone concentration was accurately simulated and the peak and trough were also effectively captured and characterized.According to the average of maximum 8 hours concentration in the ozone day of "Ambient Air Quality Standard" (GB3095-2012), all four sites achieved the accuracy of forecast grade of 90%.
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