LEI Yu,YAN Gang.Thoughts on the Key Issues Regarding Atmospheric Environment Management in the 14th Five-Year Plan[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2020,12(4):35-39.
Thoughts on the Key Issues Regarding Atmospheric Environment Management in the 14th Five-Year Plan
中文关键词:  大气环境管理  “十四五”  PM2.5  O3  结构调整
英文关键词:atmospheric environment management  the 14th Five-Year Plan  PM2.5  O3  structure adjustment
雷宇 生态环境部环境规划院, 北京 100012  
严刚 生态环境部环境规划院, 北京 100012 yangang@caep.org.cn 
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全文下载次数: 1901
      The 14th Five-Year Plan Period is the first five years linking up China's “Two Centenary” goals and starting the new journey to fully build a modernized socialist country. Atmospheric environment management in the 14th Five Year Plan period will be in need of new targets while facing new challenges. In this study we reviewed the improvements of China's atmospheric environment since 2013 and analyzed the gaps of air quality. From the perspective of advancing the continuous improvement of air quality in the medium and long term, the research put forward the orientation and targets of atmospheric environment management during the 14th Five Year Plan period. Finally, priorities of atmospheric environment management in the 14th Five-Year Plan period were made from the perspectives of improving the atmospheric environment management system and advancing the structures adjustment.
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