WANG Yanan.The Significance and Key Links of the Reconstruction of Environment Access System Caused by the “Three Base Lines and One List”[J].Chinese Journal of Environmental Management,2020,12(1):14-17.
The Significance and Key Links of the Reconstruction of Environment Access System Caused by the “Three Base Lines and One List”
中文关键词:  “三线一单”  重构  环境准入体系
英文关键词:three base lines and one list  reconstruct  environment access system
王亚男 生态环境部环境工程评估中心, 北京 100012 
摘要点击次数: 2822
全文下载次数: 2066
      Under the promotion of "streamline administration, delegate powers, and improve regulation and services", the environmental access system(EAS) with the EIA permit as the core policy faced many limitations, such as long work period, low system efficiency and social recognition, and poor verifiability of conclusions. The "three base lines and one list" has the characteristics of early involvement and regional basic data sharing, this paper proposed that "three base lines and one list" can be incorporated into the environmental access system, then EAS could play a systematic preventive role, improve the government decision-making ability and enhance EIA work efficiency. In aspect of EAS reconstruction, the key links of the "three base lines and one list", the planning environmental impact assessment and the project environmental impact assessment system were proposed:the different responsibilities of the three systems and the recommendations of the responsible entities should be identified, the join point of the three systems should be clarified, and the information exchange among the three systems should be improved.
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